2006.06.16. 16:20 Balint
Innét üzenem a sok dh-s köcsögnek, aki hiénáskodik a fogasnál, hogy aki legközelebb tolakodik előttem beszállásnál, esetleg a bringája hozzáér a bringámhoz, azt helyben inzultálom. Komolyan. Konát minden 10 éves kisköcsögnek!
6 komment
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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.
single women ( 2005.02.07. 00:36:16
Skin on skin- is that too forward???
We are only looking for couples and single females. Single males are automatically filtered out and never reach our inbox.
It always amuses us that single guys cannot read and think that if they email us they will be the "one"
that breaks down that rule and makes us just gotta get together with them.
We are only looking for couples and single females. Single males are automatically filtered out and never reach our inbox.
It always amuses us that single guys cannot read and think that if they email us they will be the "one"
that breaks down that rule and makes us just gotta get together with them.
single women ( 2005.02.07. 00:36:16
Skin on skin- is that too forward???
We are only looking for couples and single females. Single males are automatically filtered out and never reach our inbox.
It always amuses us that single guys cannot read and think that if they email us they will be the "one"
that breaks down that rule and makes us just gotta get together with them.
We are only looking for couples and single females. Single males are automatically filtered out and never reach our inbox.
It always amuses us that single guys cannot read and think that if they email us they will be the "one"
that breaks down that rule and makes us just gotta get together with them.
swinger ( 2005.02.07. 00:36:16
Swinging Lifestyle and Adult Dating - Find your Perfect SEX Partner today.
Great DataBase of Swinging Couples who Enjoy Relationship and Sex with One Another.
FREE to Join. <a href= >swingers</a>
Great DataBase of Swinging Couples who Enjoy Relationship and Sex with One Another.
FREE to Join. <a href= >swingers</a>
sideburns (Bálint) 2005.02.07. 00:36:16
Lassan beszélj, süket vagyok.
sideburns (Bálint) 2005.02.07. 00:36:16
sideburns (Bálint) 2005.02.07. 00:36:16
A kisköcsög vagy mi?